1. Update
2. Membership fees for 2013
3. Numeracy Resource
4. 2013 International Year of Statistics
5. 2013 VALBEC conference 'Literacies in a diverse world'
6. ACAL conference 'Local Practices, Global Contexts'
7. Second ACER National Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assessment Conference
8. 22nd National VET Research Conference ‘No Frills’ 2013
9. Next edition
10. PIACC results
11. Member resources
12. Part time/casual/sessional positions
13. On and off
14. Contact VALBEC
The 2013 VALBEC Planning Day was held on 23 January and after reviewing 2012 activities, the committee discussed plans for the year. The success of the Foundation Skills Training Package Regional Forums will be built on with further practical focused forums and Fine Print continuing the conversations around the National Foundation Skills Strategy. The Read the Word, Read the World conference and NYR focus widened our reach and connections. We continued to increase numbers of visitors to the website and our evalbec list (1163). The eValbec feature of monthly Reading themed pieces will continue with a new theme for the 2013 International Year of Statistics. Plans are well advanced for the 2013 VALBEC conference 'Literacies in a diverse world'. We will continue to engage in dialogue with ACAL and the other state organisations and keep our members informed. We look forward to an exciting year.
Membership renewal falls due on March 1 and the committee determined that membership fees will not change for the coming year. Invoices will be sent to members shortly.
Beth Marr has been working on this project throughout 2012 and the resources will soon be made available on the VALBEC website for ‘test driving’.
Numbers, Numbers, Everywhere – VALBEC has adopted the International Year of Statistics as our theme for 2013. Each month a VALBEC committee member will be digging up some fascinating numbers that you may find interesting and potentially useful in classroom activities. This month Sandie Forbes has found some numbers around St Valentine’s Day.
And perhaps the most ridiculous ... about 3% of pet owners will give Valentine’s Day gifts to their pets.
In Australia 90% of people in the 18-24 age group and 45% of people above 50 celebrate Valentine’s Day.
More on the Australia perpsective
And in a counterpoint ...
*Children in sub-Saharan Africa are, on average, enrolled in school for 9.1 years, more than twice the duration reported in 1970, but just over one-half as much as children in North America and Western Europe (16.5 years).
*To achieve universal primary education, an average of 306,000 teachers should be hired in sub-Saharan Africa every year until 2015.
*Source Statistics2013 (International Year of Statistics website)
Friday 17 May at William Angliss conference centre.
Call for Presentations – encourage your colleagues to put forward a proposal to share good practice, innovative ideas or exciting projects.
Keynote speakers will be announced soon.
Proposals to be submitted by COB February 20, 2013
Presenter fee: There is no fee for presenters who wish to attend the conference
Sept 30-Oct 2, 2013 in Sydney
Two international keynote speakers will be announced by NSW ANLC shortly.
After last year’s sell out inaugural National Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assessment Conference, ACER is pleased to announce that their second national conference will be held in Sydney on 10 May, 2013.
Call for presentations and papers
If you have research on vocational education and training (VET) to share then come along and present your findings at the 22nd National Vocational Education and Training Research Conference ‘No Frills’ 2013. Queensland, 10-12 July 2013
Next edition, out in April, features writing from near and far. From afar …. asks ‘What kind of pen do I use to write my culture?’ while Ark Tanaka takes us through using apps in the classroom; we reprint from the blog of Canadian literacy teacher Kate Nonesuch; and take a look at some resources picked up at the ACAL conference held in Tasmania last year. Closer to home Sue Hartigan writes about Cloverdale Community Centre’s third space; Beth Marr introduces the revised numeracy favourite Strength in Numbers (to be Building strength in numeracy); we interview two well know Victorian ESL literacy teachers, Jackie Springall and Maggie Power; and what everyone has been waiting for, a critical read about the Foundation Skills Training package (FSK).
PIAAC (Programme of International Assessment of Adult Competence) results are to be released in October 2013. Similar to the ALLS (Adult Literacy and Lifeskills Survey) this is likely to be the basis of plenty of discussion and probably plenty of policy development.
Many of our members produce useful resources which are often previewed at conferences or reviewed in Fine Print. See some of these on our new Resources page.
If you're a member of VALBEC (the first requirement) and you would like to have your product listed, contact VALBEC.
The Jesuit Community College in Collingwood is currently seeking experienced and qualified applicants to work with us on a part time/casual/sessional basis.
Courses we deliver include:
Please see the full ad on the website: http://www.jss.org.au or phone Linno Rhodes for more information on 9415 8700
Subscribe to eVALBEC?
Just send an e-mail to info@valbec.org.au with your name and email address (organisation if you wish) and we'll put you on the list to receive this monthly enewsletter.
Just send an e-mail to info@valbec.org.au with the word Unsubscribe in the subject.
eVALBEC is the monthly electronic newsletter of (VALBEC) the Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council.
E-mail: info@valbec.org.au
Postal: Box 861 Springvale South VIC 3172
This is the electronic newsletter of VALBEC, the Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council, and is sent to about 1000 practitioners on the first of each month (other than January). It is also available in the 'News' section of our web site
Disclaimer: The activities, goods and services mentioned in eVALBEC are not endorsed by VALBEC in any way. People should make their own judgment about the suitability of each item.
How to submit items: http://www.valbec.org.au/news.htm