1. IBSA Consultation paper
2. 2012 is the National Year of Reading
3. Numeracy Network
4. Response to TAFE funding cuts
5. Read the word, Read the world
6. ACAL conference 'Joining the pieces: literacy and numeracy - one part of the picture'
7. Coming to you later (only available to members)
8. Win a copy of 'My neighbourhood: literacy in context' by Jan Hagston
9. Employment opportunities
10. On and off
Aren't you early?
Yes, it seemed silly sending out eVALBEC during the first weekend of the term break, so we're a couple of day early.
At the June VALBEC committee meeting there was discussion around the Foundation Skills Training Package and the IBSA Certificate IV qualification for the delivery and assessment of foundation skills consultation paper. Committee members have been involved in the consultation processes and have responded with written comments. There was also discussion of possibilities of running a facilitated forum around the FSTP and implications for CGEA delivery. A working group was set up to look into this for term 4.
The next committee meeting will be held on Wednesday 18 July by teleconference.
We welcome feedback and ideas so please send them to info@valbec.org.au
“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.”
- Groucho Marx
Pauline O'Maley, VALBEC committee member and avid reader has been "fired up by the recent VALBEC conference, Freire’s notion of reading the world as well as the word which framed the conference theme, and the stimulating conversations we had about the nexus between theory and practice.
So ……. I have decided this month to talk about some folk who I think have really nailed it; they do a terrific job in aligning their practice to a theory of literacy, in this case critical literacy."
Read Pauline's July piece on the VALBEC website.
You can see Pauline's pieces from previous months too.
The aim of the Numeracy network is be an interest group to share resources and provide a forum for teachers to interact and discuss issues and teaching practices.
As a starting point people who attended the conference session and indicated their interest in being involved will be contacted and asked to provide a resource and/or link to a useful website. A new Numeracy Resources section of the VALBEC website will be created.
VALBEC has written to Minister Peter Hall expressing concern about the announced funding cuts.
Conference materials are available.
Thanks to those presenters who provided their files.
Registrations are now open and you can take advantage of early bird discount until July 31.
Full session descriptions are also available to help you build your own program.
Freiren scholar, recently on visit from the US, Antonia Darder brings Freire back into focus. A must read for those who work with youth, and a thought provoking read for all teachers.
The WERK researchers from Victoria University discuss their excellent research—another must read.
Coming from Great Britain, Mary Campbell prepares us for the international literacy and numeracy assessment survey, the PIACC, and describes how the international and the local inter-relate.
Jo Harley writes about new pedagogy around environmental education and makes distinctions that can lead to true transformation in understanding and behaviour in relation to environmental issues.
Our regular sections include: practical articles on maths and environment education; an introduction to new tool boxes; conference appraisals; optimising inclusive teaching practice; a review of a resource for teaching about the environment. Our year of reading material provides you with some delightful writing from Lynne Matheson and two committee members.
'My neighbourhood' contain activities designed to support students to develop literacy skills in context. Some activities take just a few minutes while others extend over a number of sessions. Each activity contains information for the teacher alongside activity sheets and/or handouts for the students. In addition there are a number of skill sheets to support students in completing the activities. Activities are mapped to the CGEA and VCAL.
You can win a copy by simply putting 'Jan's book' in the subject line of an email with your name and organisation and send it to info@valbec.org.au by July 8, 2012
To be eligible, either you or your organisation must be financial VALBEC members.
More about the book and some sample pages
ACFE, ACE, RTO and TAFE managers can post adult literacy, language and numeracy practitioner job ads in eVALBEC. Send your request (50 words limit) to info@valbec.org.au by the 26th of the month.
Subscribe to eVALBEC?
Just send an e-mail to info@valbec.org.au with your name and email address (organisation if you wish) and we'll put you on the list to receive this monthly enewsletter.
Just send an e-mail to info@valbec.org.au with the word Unsubscribe in the subject.
Contact VALBEC
eVALBEC is the monthly electronic newsletter of (VALBEC) the Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council.
E-mail: info@valbec.org.au
Postal: Box 861 Springvale South VIC 3172
This is the electronic newsletter of VALBEC, the Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council, and is sent to about 1000 practitioners on the first of each month (other than January). It is also available in the 'News' section of our web site http://www.valbec.org.au
Disclaimer: The activities, goods and services mentioned in eVALBEC are not endorsed by VALBEC in any way. People should make their own judgment about the suitability of each item.
How to submit items: http://www.valbec.org.au/05/news.htm