August 2017 | VALBEC | Web version
A great diversity of sessions
Discounts for VALBEC members
Some speakers give a video preview of their sessions
3. Resources
Resource Gems - Posting out-of-class tasks on WhatsApp
AMES Sound Spelling Classroom Workbook
4. Live and teach English in Thai children's homes in 2018
7. Making the SGD's real in Australia's Adult and Vocational Education
8. CGEA professional development
9. The Challenges for Vocational and Educational Policy Public Seminar
Technology Tearoom
Reading Writing Hotline's role
Show me the Money
Untangling the literacies of governance docs
Digital learning resources for remote learners
Yolŋu 'Bothways' approach to English
Numeracy, what's the problem?
What attitudes are we talking about?
Describing capability in the foundation skills field
Re-imagining WELL for work in the 21st Century
Graffiti as Literacy
Learning financial literacy skills through traditional concepts
The impact of domestic and family violence on adult women learners
Exploring NCVER pods to improve practice
Journeys of new migrants
LLN for employees, is a change of focus required?
Communication in time of disaster and emergency
Phonics-based adult literacy resources
Prioritising people
Blended Learning for the LLN Classroom
Edition #2 will be coming to your letter box soon and is packed with articles that will encourage you to reflect on your teaching practice and consider how you engage learners and contextualise their learning. Take some time to read in Provider Profile about the work going on at Port Melbourne Neighbourhood Centre – there are some smiling faces on the cover that reflect the confidence built through their programs and the pathways they have created.
Do consider writing for Fine Print. Send your contributions to
The internet now allows for a myriad of teaching and learning resources to be shared between LLN practitioners. The wealth of information available to practitioners means that finding quality resources can take time and effort. This year, VALBEC committee members will identify some 'gems' amongst the resources freely available online. Each month, a committee member will share a quality teaching resource to support your classroom teaching and professional practice. These resources may take the form of a blog, an educational podcast, a downloadable teaching resource or a Youtube channel. As always, we are interested to hear what you think. Have you used this resource before? Do you know of similar resources? Send us your feedback or comments to
This month's contribution comes from Committee member Lynne Matheson in collaboration with Liz Gunn, past committee member and current Fine Print editorial group member.
This month's contribution comes from Committee member Lynne Matheson in collaboration with Liz Gunn, who is a past committee member and current Fine Print editorial group member.
I have only recently used What's App to contact friends and family while travelling and along with the ubiquitous Facebook it seems to be a handy platform to set up private groups for sharing and communicating. It was a chance encounter with Liz that alerted me to some nifty ways of using it with students.
Here is her account:
Visiting the library is a great way for beginner students to start exploring the Australian literacy landscape. In my experiences of the libraries around us, both at the institute and local, staff and patrons have been absolutely brilliant helping students with the challenging tasks I handball them. For example, last week the students' task was to interview people in the library about different topics related to everyday life in Australia. Students devise questions in class around a range of themes such as family heritage, work, study and their future plans. Then, armed with their questions, they set about interviewing people in the library. Students record these interviews in different ways, either via written notes or, if the interviewee permits, via an audio recording. These records are uploaded to the class WhatsApp group. Classmates can listen to, or read about each other's interviews. Every interview is different; responses are unpredictable and students develop new connections with the people around them. What's App helps students share the excitement of interacting with new and diverse people outside the class environment.
AMES Sound Spelling Classroom Workbook provides teachers with the resources and methodology to systematically introduce the sounds, spelling patterns and vocabulary on the Sound Spelling charts to their classes. Activities move from a focus on phonemes and graphemes in words and sentences, to whole texts, enabling learners to progress through the sounds of Australian English and the range of suitable spelling choices for writing those and other words.
The Workbook consists of a set of classroom resources at two levels – approximately ACSF 1 & 2 - based on each row of the Sound Spelling Charts. Resources for both levels include CD based printable student worksheets and stimulus graphics. Suitable for a range of upper secondary and adult learners.
An exciting opportunity exists for EAL teachers who are looking for a rewarding experience, living in the children's homes for a year and teaching English to these very eager children.
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Adult Learners' Week is a UNESCO initiative supported in Australia by the Commonwealth Department of Education and Training and coordinated by Adult Learning Australia. Adult Learners' Week runs from 1–8 September and incorporates International Literacy Day, which is celebrated annually on September 8.
Thursday, August 10 from 9:30am till 3:30pm • Carlton
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) give us a shared framework to deal with global issues such as poverty, social injustice, and equitable access to education, training and lifelong learning. Good quality, affordable and inclusive education and training along with opportunity for lifelong learning are powerful vehicles for economic and social wellbeing and sustainable development. Governments have the responsibility to ensure that education and training provision is gender informed, designed to empower women and girls and achieve gender equality.
There will be 2 CGEA half day professional development sessions in 2017. The first session is scheduled for 10 August with the second session to be held in November. The focus of Session 1 will explore how the learning plan units in the CGEA are used with different cohorts and enable participants to examine some of the different ways in which the learning plans can be integrated into their programs.
Thursday, 10 Aug 2017, 5-7pm
The Melbourne Graduate School of Education’s Centre for Vocational and Educational is examining the workforce needs of the workplaces and workspaces of the future. These workplaces are said to be in the middle of a ‘fourth industrial revolution’, often referred to simply as ‘Industry 4.0’
What are the implications of these changes for vocational literacy, training and careers guidance policy?