In this Issue
1. Committee News
Concern about funding changes
2014 VALBEC conference Call for papers '... and the learning goes on: anytime, anywhere, anyhow, anyone'
Membership Fees for 2014
Review of the LLN Practitioner Scholarships Program
2. Fine Print
3. Resources
Lesson ideas- International Year of Family Farming
Free numeracy resources
4. Professional Development
Foundation Skills approved provider list
ACAL conference, 2-4 October, Gold Coast 'Literacy: a learning spiral for life'
ACER National Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assessment Conference 2014
5. An Experiment
This eVALBEC is an experiment
1. Committee News
The VALBEC committee had their annual planning meeting on Wednesday 22 January at the Yarra Library, Carlton branch meeting room. It was a wide ranging agenda and members contributed a range of ideas for professional development and projects that we will continue to discuss and make plans for the year. ACFE funding has been confirmed for 2014. There will be three forums scheduled across the year, as well as the conference and Fine Print.
The committee agreed to some slight increases in membership fees after several years of fees remaining static.
The Building Strength with Numeracy Resource has received a high number of downloads that reflects its use, not just here in Victoria. It is hoped that there will be further modules developed later in the year.
There were lots of ideas shared around the table that will continue to be discussed and acted on at our monthly meetings. We look forward to an active and productive 2014.
Next committee meeting: Wednesday 26 February.
Concern about funding changes
The VALBEC committee have written to the Minister for Higher Education and Skills, Peter Hall, outlining member concerns about the impact of the latest changes to funding arrangements to foundation skills courses.
2014 VALBEC conference Call for papers
'... and the learning goes on: anytime, anywhere, anyhow, anyone'
The conference will explore innovative responses to the ongoing changes in LLN delivery and ways in which the field is responding to the demands of the digital age.
Language, literacy and numeracy skills form the basis of successful participation in the community, in further education and in employment. Policies, funding and the student profile may change but regardless of whatever occurs the learning has to go on.
Submit a proposal now.
Membership Fees for 2014
A recent committee meeting established the membership fees for 2014. Invoices will be sent shortly or renew online now.
Individual membership
Employed Full Time (or on a time fraction 0.6 or above) $95
Individual membership - Part time and Sessional $56
Full time tertiary student or unemployed teacher $42
Institutional membership - Small Organisation (less than 4 EFT staff) $145
Institutional membership - Base rate $215
Institutional membership - Multi-Campus (includes 6 copies of 'Fine Print') $370
Additional copies of Fine Print sent to the same address at $15 per annum
Fine Print only
Within Australia $110
Outside Australia $130
Review of the LLN Practitioner Scholarships Program
Quantum Consulting Australia Pty Ltd is conducting a review of the Language, Literacy & Numeracy Practitioner Scholarships Program.
The Review will examine key aspects of the Program including:
The effectiveness and efficiency of the Program in connecting people to the LLN practitioner field
The appropriateness of the existing funding model and administration process
The satisfaction of individuals, trainers and training providers with the delivery of the Program and
The employment outcomes of Scholarship recipients
VALBEC invites feedback from practitioners. Please respond to by COB 14th February.
2. Fine Print
The first edition copy deadline is fast approaching and there is a full list of interesting feature articles due, as well as contributions to the regular features sections. The Editorial committee met recently to start the process of commissioning articles for the second edition. We welcome suggestions for themes and topics or offers to write about teaching and learning practice, projects or other topics of interest.
Contact the Fine Print editor
3. Resources
Lesson ideas
In the first of the series committee member Lindee Conway offers some lesson ideas.
The UN website is a treasure-trove of ideas for your classes. For a start - the header on each page says, "Welcome to the United Nations – it's your world", which is a lovely and inclusive phrase, especially if you have refugees in your classes.
2014 is the UN's International Year of the Family Farming.
Lesson ideas based on International Year of the Family Farming.
Free numeracy resources
'Building Strength with Numeracy' are free VALBEC resources suitable for basic learning and available as a free download.
The three most popular downloads in the last year were
See and download all the Building Strength with Numeracy resources.
4. Professional Development
Foundation Skills approved provider list
Many providers will be aware of this process already.
The Victorian Government has an ongoing interest in improving the quality and targeting of Foundation Skills training and will create a Foundation Skills Approved Provider List. By signing a VET Funding Contract commencing in 2014, the RTO acknowledges and agrees that, in order to retain relevant courses from the Foundation Skills List (except Literacy and Numeracy Support – LNSUPPORT) on its Funded Scope, it will need to participate in an evaluation process and, as a result of that process, be deemed suitable for inclusion on the Foundation Skills Approved Provider List.
Applications close on 14th February 2014.
Read the Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
ACAL conference, 2-4 October, Gold Coast
'Literacy: a learning spiral for life'
The spiral is a metaphor for literacy learning. Learners go through a literacy or numeracy learning stage once or many times throughout their lives. While a single stage might have specific characteristics, the way we engage in it is never the same and the differences between stages are never discrete because we are always integrating new information and utilising other resources. We constantly absorb and play with new ideas and adopt new literate and numerate practices, become involved in different ways with family or the community and, move forward or sideways in work settings.
The call for presentations is about to be announced.
ACER National Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assessment Conference 2014
ACER has announced the plans for their two-day National Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assessment Conference in 2014. The theme is 'Foundation skills and lifelong learning – what does the evidence from international assessments tell us about improving work and life skills?'
5. An Experiment
This eVALBEC is an experiment
With this issue we've tried to create an newsletter that will adapt to the type of device you're reading it on. That is, it should be easily readable on a smartphone, tablet or desktop with minimal sideways scrolling, etc.
Sound good? Well how good depends on getting the behind-the-scenes coding correct, as well as the actual device (not all smart phones are as smart as the next one and may handle details differently). Also your email program (gmail, hotmail, Outlook) may produce different results.
If you had a good experience, or a bad one, please let us know at
Tell us the type of device (brand and model) and email program and whether you could easily read it.