September 2014 | VALBEC | Web version

In this Issue

Committee News

1. Webinar - 'Building Strength with Numeracy' free VALBEC resources

Professional Development

2. Meet Professor Stephen Reder

3. Numeracy PD opportunity: Engaging all Students in Maths and Numeracy

4. Quality pre-accredited teaching and learning in the community

5. Adult Learners Week September 1-8

6. Learning Law in our Land


7. MoneySmart week September 1-7, 2014

8. New Literacy and Numeracy assessment tool trials

9. Lesson ideas - Family Farming

Committee News

1. Webinar - 'Building Strength with Numeracy' free VALBEC resources

ACAL and QCAL had a webinar on using the free VALBEC numeracy resources. Over 100 people joined in while the author, Beth Marr, took us through some strategic thinking as well as presentation tips.

This event is now concluded but you can still watch it on YouTube.

Download the free resources

Professional Development

2. Meet Professor Stephen Reder

Stephen Reder, Professor of Applied Linguistics at Portland State University in the United States is a keynote speaker at the 2014 ACAL national conference 2-4 October, 2014 and is being brought to Victoria by VALBEC and ACER.

Forum: 'Challenging assumptions: program participation influences on literacy and numeracy development'

Wednesday, October 15, 5.00 – 6.30 pm
Victoria University, City Flinders Street, Melbourne

In this forum, Stephen Reder will speak about research outcomes from the Longitudinal Study of Adult Learning (LSAL), which systematically compared the learning trajectories and life outcomes of 1000 adults over a ten year period. He will focus on the outcomes from this research that demonstrate how adult literacy and numeracy program participation influences changes in skills and practices used in social and employment contexts. He will reflect on the importance of shifting the focus of program accountability from measures of short-term proficiency gain to longer-term changes in literacy and numeracy. There will be an opportunity to engage in conversation around challenging of assumptions of some of the key findings with implications for policy development, LLN educators and program delivery.

More and register

Hosted by VALBEC in conjunction with ACAL, ACER and Victoria University.

Webinar: 'Literacy development, learning and life experiences of low-education adults'

Wednesday, October 15, 2:00 to 3:30 pm

ACER's October LLN webinar will be conducted by Stephen Reder. Stephen will be presenting on the Longitudinal Study of Adult Learning which systematically compares the learning trajectories and life outcomes of 1000 adults over a 10-year period. Stephen will answer some of the research questions below in this webinar:


3. Numeracy PD opportunity: Engaging all Students in Maths and Numeracy

Friday, September 5, 2014

This all day session will be conducted by experienced adult numeracy educator Dave Tout, and targets teachers and trainers of numeracy in both schools and RTOs. The focus is on moving beyond the textbook, worksheets and 'chalk and talk' to offer an alternative approach and a chance for ALL students to succeed and enjoy mathematics learning.


4. Quality pre-accredited teaching and learning in the community

Thursday, 9 October 2014 William Angliss Institute of TAFE, 555 La Trobe Street Melbourne

A one-day conference Excellently Local: quality pre-accredited teaching and learning in the community will be held for Learn Local organisations.

The wide-ranging conference agenda will provide opportunities for attendees to learn from experts and peers about innovative design and delivery of pre-accredited programs, how to find and engage learners, fresh ideas about adult learning pedagogy, hear from former pre-accredited students, networking opportunities and more. Attendance at the event is fully subsidised by the ACFE Board.


Contact Ms Kathy Jagan on

5. Adult Learners Week September 1-8

We are celebrating learning that promotes greater understanding and respect across different generations. Get involved in Adult Learners' Week by making a learning pledge and may be win an iPad mini.

One iPad mini (32GB WiFi) will be given away each day of Adult Learners' Week 2014.


6. Learning Law in our Land

11 and 12 September 2014

Community West is offering a two day professional development course to improve Legal Literacy of adult educators in the western region.
The course covers basic legal information and Q & A sessions with people working in the legal sector.
Participants will also discuss and use practical classroom activities and resources that can be developed for participants' own classrooms.

More (PDF) or phone (03) 8312 2020


7. MoneySmart week September 1-7, 2014

MoneySmart Week is an initiative of Financial Literacy Australia Limited, a not-for-profit organisation founded in 2012 by members of the government's Financial Literacy Board.

MoneySmart Week encourages all Australians to take simple steps to make a positive difference to their finances. Financial literacy, or knowing how to make sound money decisions, is a core skill in today's world.


8. New Literacy and Numeracy assessment tool trials

The Department of Industry has contracted the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) to develop a free online Foundation Skills Assessment Tool (FSAT) to identify and assess an individual's literacy, numeracy and employability skill levels. ACER is interested in hearing from interested literacy and numeracy providers to be involved in trials over the next few months in order to gather empirical data and to provide feedback about the assessment system.


9. Lesson ideas - Family Farming

VALBEC is observing 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming, as well as celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family and offering some related lesson materials and ideas.

In the eighth of the series, committee member Rhonda Pelletier explores the idea that many people living in cities have no idea about where their food comes from. This resource looks at programs at local council level and web sites that invite you to take a bit of a radical view of growing in the urban rather than the rural.

See Rhonda's ideas and those from previous months.